Crescent Moon for the Month of Jumādá al-ākhirah 1441 AH
There were no reports of the crescent moon being sighted in any area that shares the horizon visibility curve with Seattle on the evening of Saturday January 25th, 2020. Therefore, Monday 27th, January 2020 will coincide with the 1st day of Jumādá al-ākhirah 1441 AH.
We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).
Important Islamic events this month
Date AH Date AD Occasion
3 Jumādá al-ākhirah Jan 29 Wafat Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p), 11 A.H.
13 Jumādá al-ākhirah Feb 8 Lady Umm al-Banin (p), mother of al-Abbas (p), 64 A.H.
20 Jumādá al-ākhirah Feb 15 Wiladat Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p), 5 B.H. or 8 B.H.
New IMAN Web Site
IMAN transitioned its Web SIte (http://www.iman-wa.org/) to a fresh new look on Sunday January 19, 2020. We are now being hosted by http://wix.com. The IMAN web site URL http://iman-wa.org remains unchanged. The new IMAN Web site is also accessible from https://www.islamiccenterofkirkland.com.
Please provide feedback and improvement suggestions to webmaster@iman-wa.org.
Speakers this month
Date Name Topic
Jan 30th Officer Deana Lansing Active Shooter Preparedness
Feb 7th Sister Neelam Khaki Qur'anic Family Model
Feb 14th Shaikh Muslim Chawla Cognition of Tawhid through Bibi Fatema (a.s.)
Feb 15th Shaikh Muslim Chawla Character lessons from Bibi Fatema (a.s.)
Deana Lansing was appointed a Neighborhood Resource Officer by Kirkland Police Chief Cherie Harris in 2017. Officer Lansing started out her career as a police officer about 14 years prior to that in California before transferring to Federal Way. She has been an officer with the Kirkland Police Department for nearly ten years, of which four years were in the Investigations unit. As the Neighborhood Resource Officer, Ofc. Lansing’s duties include attending neighborhood meetings, teaching children and adults about safety, conducting safety assessments of resident’s property, assisting with homeless outreach and coordinating events such as National Night Out and the Citizens Academy. Officer Lansing has many other interests and activities when not working as a police officer. Read more about her here.
Neelam Khaki is a graduate in LLB Laws from the London School of Economics. Prior to moving to the U.S, she was employed at a London City law firm. Her interest in social justice began in a voluntary capacity, whilst working for The Samaritans, a UK based organization supporting suicidal clients. She subsequently worked with Lifewire as a helpline volunteer, supporting survivors in domestic violence situations, and later as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, supporting minors subject to dependency proceedings. Neelam works as Coordinator of the Peaceful Families Taskforce within API Chaya, an organization serving South Asian, Middle Eastern, and API survivors of gender-based violence. Her work within the PFT involves working with local Muslim communities to create peaceful families, by using the Quranic model of family, through training, education, and community engagement. Neelam has been working with API Chaya since 2013, and much of her work is currently based around domestic violence prevention.
Shaykh Muslim Mehdi Chawla is a scholar of religious sciences with a specialization in Islamic Philosophy and Theology. He has studied in Qum for 11 years and has been actively involved in tabligh activities including reciting majalis, delivering lectures, discussions, community counseling around the world. He has served at the Jaffarya Center of Niagara Frontier for 5 years. He is currently working on his PhD and pursuing a graduate studies fellowship at George Washington University. He likes to engage with comparative philosophical and mystical traditions, inter-faith dialogue, theology and understanding the needs of community with varying backgrounds and cultures to arrange common platforms for everyone.
Please refer to the Event section on IMAN web site for details on scheduled events. We will not longer carry events details in the monthly IMANews.
Sunday School
Sunday School is now in its 18th week this academic year. Parent meeting will be scheduled in February to discuss improvements to enhance learning.
Social Services
We help families approaching IMAN for assistance with their immediate needs (e.g. rent and utilities) and guide them with finding employment when needed. Families are encouraged to work with organizations close to their place of residence.
The community dinners in collaboration with St. John’s Episcopal Church continue last Saturday of each month. We need 6-8 dedicated IMAN volunteers on a regular and committed basis. Around this core group we can offer an additional, IMAN led, 2nd Saturday of the month dinner at St. Johns. Those who would like to get started and commit their time on a regular basis please send e-mail to imansocialservices@yahoogroups.com.
Please note that IMAN does not accept donation items (clothing, food, household items) for Social Services unless the committee specifically asked for them or coordinated the pick-up with the donors. There are several other local organizations that will gladly accept such donations on regular basis, including: https://worldreliefseattle.org/donate-goods
Community Service Credits
Members of the congregation who need community service credits are required to make arrangements in advance for any service provided to IMAN for which credit will be requested. Service credit certification will only be provided for eligible activities for which prior arrangement have been made and only after the eligible service have been satisfactorily completed. No exceptions will be made.