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IMAN Center of Kirkland

IMANews: Rabīʿ al-Akhir 1444 AH, Oct-Nov 2022

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum / Peace be upon you!

Crescent Moon Rabīʿ al-Akhir 1444 AH

Thursday, October 27th, 2022, will be the first day of Rabīʿ al-Akhir, 1444 A.H based on verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, in Blacksburg, Virginia and Miami, Florida.

We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p) as we also pray to God, the Most Merciful, to bring a swift end to the current pandemic and grant a quick recovery to all those afflicted.

Important Islamic Events this Month:

Rabīʿ al-Akhir Nov Occasion

8 3 Wiladat of Imam Hasan al-Askari (p), (232 AH)

10 16 Wafat of Lady Fatimah bint Musa (Masooma Qom),

sister of Imam al-Ridha (p), (Year 201 A.H.)

Daily Dhur and Maghreb and Friday congregational prayers are being held in person at the IMAN Center. Congregational Prayer Timings are published on the IMAN home page.

Weekly Dua Kumail program also takes place in person at the IMAN Center at 8:00 PM each Thursday. Wiladats and wafats are observed on the Thursday closest to the actual date and conducted online in a virtual setting. Please refer to for schedule details of the Thursday program.

25 Years of IMAN

On October 15th, 2022, we celebrated the birthday of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWWS) and also 25 Years of IMAN. The event was attended by Deputy Mayor of City of Kirkland and Council Member, Jay Arnold, City of Kirkland Council Member Toby Nixon and Chief of Police Cherie Harris.

In addition to reflections and poetry on the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWWS) by various community members (young and old) a brief history of the struggles and achievements of IMAN were presented. A few of Sunday School students were invited to share their vision for 2047.

Deepest gratitude and appreciation were expressed for Council Members and staff at City of Kirkland who helped IMAN establish in an inclusive welcoming Kirkland, and to Br. Samad Faghih and Br. Hamed Esfahani for their commitment, dedication and hard work in the 2008 remodeling of the IMAN Center. Br. Syed Iqbal Rizvi was re-presented with the award given to him for a few years back (which he was unable to receive in person at the time) for his contributions as one of the co-Founders of IMAN.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 2022 IMAN Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled for Saturday December 3rd, 2022, at 5:00 PM at the IMAN Center in Kirkland.


  • Review and Approval of 2021 AGM minutes

  • Matters arising from 2021 AGM minutes

  • Review of 2022 Annual Report of Activities, and recommendations for 2022

  • Review of 2021/2022 Finances, and budget for 2023

  • Nomination of the Executive Committee for 2023

  • Any other business

Members will have received AGM notice by e-mail.

Those who are not members are also welcome to attend as observers.

Monthly Family Nights at IMAN

Please save the date November 12th, 2022 as our first monthly family fun night @ IMAN where we will also enjoy an early Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner. Details to follow.

Please e-mail with your suggestions for fun activities that you would like to see at these monthly family gatherings.

City of Kirkland's volunteer leadership positions

“Would you like to contribute your time and experience as a member of the City of Kirkland's advisory Boards and Commissions?

The City of Kirkland is accepting applications for various volunteer boards and commissions through October 27, 2022.

Visit the Current Recruitment Positions webpage or call the City Clerk’s Office at 425-587-3190 to learn more about each board, eligibility requirements, and to apply.

Members of the advisory boards are appointed by the City Council. Interviews will be scheduled with the City Council at a time and date to be determined.

Please review the current Board and Commission vacancies below and consider these interim opportunities to get involved with your community!

Human Services Commission

This commission advises the City Council on matters relating to the City's efforts to support a socially sustainable community through health and human services and programs; develops recommendations on funding priorities and policies; and reviews requests and provides recommendations for grant funding of human services. NOTE:

There is both an adult and youth-specific seat available for this Commission. The commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month.”

Sunday School 2022/2023

IMAN Sunday School is in its 5th week and progressing well. Registration for the 2022-2023 school year was closed on October 7th. The school is at capacity and will not be accepting any additional admissions for the remainder of the year.

A group of Sunday school students participated in the Milad Un Nabi Program by performing a Nasheed. They came in early on school days and practiced for several weeks. We thank all them for participating.

Congratulations are in order for one of our teachers and a member of our sub-committee, who both completed the Teacher Skills Program (TSP) in September and October. The TSP is an accredited program by the Northern Council of Further Education (NCFE) in the U.K.

In addition, one of our teachers completed the Train the Trainer (TTT) Program in October and will be training Madrasah teachers all over the world. We would like to thank them for their time and commitment to improving the quality of instruction at our school.

The parent liaison team and youth committee have planned for a Fall Art contest. Information has been sent out and we look forward to seeing student participation.

There will be a Parent Meeting on November 6th after assembly. We encourage for all parents to attend. This is an opportunity to hear from the school administration and voice your thoughts and concerns.

There will not by any classes on November 27, 2022 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Community Dinners

During these times, it is increasingly difficult for many to have basic needs met, and the monthly dinners IMAN hosts with St. John’s are our chance to contribute to serving these individuals.

Those interested to help organize future monthly community dinners, please contact Br. Abbas Kazmi or send mail to

Supporting those in need

Sister Sidra has reserved several spots to provide meals to the needy at homeless shelters. If you are interested in helping, please contact Sister Sidra Naqvi (425) 273 1463 or e-mail

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