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IMANews: Rabīʿ al-awwal 1444 AH, Sep-Oct 2022

IMAN Center of Kirkland

As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum / Peace be upon you!

Crescent Moon Rabīʿ al-awwal 1444 AH

There were no verified sightings of the crescent moon at sunset on Monday, September 26th, 2022. Therefore, Wednesday September 28th, 2022 is the first day of the month of Rabi al-Awwal, 1444 A.H.

We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p) as we also pray to God, the Most Merciful, to bring a swift end to the current pandemic and grant a quick recovery to all those afflicted.

Important Islamic Events this Month:

Rabīʿ al-awwal October Occasion

8 5 Wafat of Imam Hasan al-Askari (p), 50 AH

12 9 Arrival of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) to

Yathrib city (al-Madina) marking the start of

the Islamic calendar (Hijri).

17 14 Wiladat of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp), 53 B.H.

17 14 Wiladat of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (p), 83 A.H.

18 15 Establishment of Masjid al-Nabi in the city of

al-Madina in the first Hijri year.

Wiladat celebration and wafat commemoration will be scheduled on the Thursday closest to the event. Please refer to for details.

IMAN 25 Year Anniversary and Milad un Nabi

Program to celebrate birthday of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) and the 25th anniversary of IMAN will be at 6:30 PM on Saturday October 15, 2022.

We look forward to seeing all our community members and hosting City of Kirkland Council Members, Chief of Police and other officials as we celebrate and reflect on our past accomplishments and envision the future ahead.

Pakistan Flood

Generous support from the IMAN community has enabled us to support relief efforts in Pakistan. See links below for update from the field:

Sunday School 2022/2023

IMAN Sunday School resumed in person classes on September 25th, 2022. Alhamdulillah student enrollment is over 80.

We thank Allah SWT for the opportunity to contribute to the development of the next generation Muslim Americans and are counting on maximal parental participation in the strengthening of our families and the community.

Community Dinners

Monthly dinners IMAN hosts with St. John’s present opportunities to contribute to serving those in need and displaced individuals.

Those interested to help organize future monthly community dinners, please contact Br. Abbas Kazmi or send mail to

Meals at homeless shelters

Sister Sidra has reserved several spots to provide meals to the needy at homeless shelters. If you are interested in helping, please contact Sister Sidra Naqvi (425) 273 1463 or e-mail

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