Muharram 1443 (2021) - Lecture 2: Principles of Evaluating Hadith and History in Light of the Qur'an
Tue, Aug 10
|Online Event
Islam & God-Centricity: The Final Chapter Muharram 1443 (2021) - Lecture 2: Principles of Evaluating Hadith and History in Light of the Qur'an

Time & Location
Aug 10, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:20 PM
Online Event
About The Event
Our speaker this Muharram is Shaykh Arif Abdulhussain.
Shaykh Arif founded the Al-Mahdi Institute in 1993, and currently serves as its Director and Senior Lecturer in Usul al-Fiqh and Muslim Philosophy. For over twenty years, Shaykh Arif has been at the forefront of developing and delivering advanced Islamic studies, tailored toward training students capable of addressing the needs of contemporary societies.
Shaykh Arif was educated at the Madrassah Syed al-Khoei, London from 1985 and graduated with Honours in 1988 where he also taught Grammar, Logic, Islamic Law and Usul al-Fiqh. He then furthered his studies in the Islamic Seminary in Qum, carrying out traditional Post-Graduate Islamic studies between 1989-93. He also attended private training and research studies with leading scholars of Qum between 1990 and 1994. Alongside these studies, he also taught in Qum across a wide spectrum of the traditional Muslim scholarly disciplines. On his return to the U.K. after founding the Al-Mahdi Institute he continued his graduate (kharij) training in Usul al-Fiqh and Fiqh from 1994 until 2008 under Ayatullah H. Amini, a student of Ayatullah Khoei.
Shayk Arif's lectures will be on: "Islam & God-Centricity: The Final Chapter".
He will be discussing the following sub-topics:
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Qur'anic world view
Lecture 2: Principles of evaluating hadith and history in light of the Qur’an
Lecture 3: Assessment of miracles in light of the Qur'anic principles
Lecture 4: Anomalies of sensitive historical events in light of the Qur'anic principles
Lecture 5: The meaning of infallibility (ʿisma) in light of the Qur'anic principles
Lecture 6: The meaning of knowledge of the hidden (ʿilm al ghayb)
Lecture 7: The meaning of creational authority (wilāya takwīniyya)
Lecture 8: The meaning of legislative authority (wilāya tashrīʿiyya)
Lecture 9: Reconstructing Shi’ite practices in light of the Qur'anic principles
Lecture 10: Moving forward in light of the Qur'anic principles