IMAN Sunday School focus in on imparting religious education and Islamic values as well as providing a social environment that enables school children to interact with their Muslim peers to build a support system of their own.
IMAN provides services for Islamic Marriage ceremonies after a marriage license has been obtained or a civil marriage has been registered.
If you live in the Greater Seattle region and you have financial or in-kind needs, you can apply for this assistance. IMAN does not discriminate against anyone wishing to apply.
IMAN can provide an Islamic divorce certificate once all necessary steps have been taken to annul a marriage in the eyes of law.
Dr. and Mrs. Amir-Hossein Naini Graduate School Scholarship Fund, a one-time graduate scholarship award of up to $5000 to a qualified student attending an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States.
Members of the IMAN community assist with funeral services in addition to providing guidance and information for completing an Islamic burial of a deceased loved one.