Crescent Moon for the Month of Rabi Al-Aakher 1441 AH
There were several confirmed reports of the crescent moon being sighted on the evening of Wenesday November 27th, 2019. Therefore, the 1st day of Rabi Al Aakher coincided with Thursday, November 28th, 2019.
Important Islamic events this month
Date AH:10th Rabi Al-Aakher
Date AD:December 7th
Occasion: Wiladat 11th Imam Hazrat Hasan al-Askari (p) (232 AH)
We ask Allah, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (AJTF).
Annual General Metting
2019 IMAN Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled after the Maghreb prayer on Saturday December 7th, 2019 at 5:00 PM at the IMAN Center. We look forward to all Members participating in the deliberations as we continue our efforts to build a spiritually vibrant, caring and sharing community in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Re-building IMAN Web Site
Br. Ali Haider and team are working on re-building the IMAN Web site. Here are a few things they are trying to incorporate/address:
A new vibrant design to reflect IMAN’s welcoming culture Improve navigability of the web site and mobile friendlyEasy to access and highlighted key features Enable to maintain web site requiring little or no technical knowledge using wix.com
Anyone interested in helping out, please contact Br. Ali Haider
Burial Plots on the Eastside
As per multiple announcements made since May 2019, IMAN has been negotiating purchase and reservation of burial plots at Cedar Lawn Memorial Park in Redmond. We regret to inform IMAN has been unable to reach agreement of terms with the memorial park. Specifically, Cedar Lawn Memorial Park is unwilling to designate a section in the cemetery for Muslims which is a key Islamic jurisprudential requirement. Whilst IMAN continues exploring other burial options on the Eastside, those looking for burial plots will continue being directed to already established All Muslim Cemetery, House of Mercy in Covington.
For further progress information please contact Br. Nuri Mansoori.
Rabi Al-Aakher Program
Daily Dhuhr/Asr and Maghreb/Isha congregational prayer are scheduled at the 15th minute mark that coincides with or that follows the Dhuhr and Maghreb time for that day, whichever is earlier.
7:00 PM:Qur’an Tajweed Class
8:00 PM:Adhan and Salaat ul Isha
8:20 PM:Dua Kumail
8:45 PM:Reflection by a community member
9:00 PM:Ziyarat Waritha
12:00 Noon Jumu’ah prayer
10:30 AM Sunday School
Due to several members of the Secondary Source Study Group travelling during December, there will be no Wednesday reading sessions until January 2020.
Sunday School
A variety of food items were collected in November for donations to a local food bank.22 people (comprising of Parents, Students and teachers) participate in a field trip on November 16th, 2019 to help Food Life LIne hunger solution center.Fire drill was conducted on November 3rd. Building was evacuated in 1 minute and 49 seconds.16 people attended Parent meeting held on November 10th, 2019. All parents were and are requested to complete Parents’ Class evaluation forms which will be provided when the meeting notes are distributed.Bake sale is scheduled for December 8th, 2019.
Social Services
Two single parent families, both from Al Salaam Center, were provided with rental assistance. One of the families was also given Costco gift cards for food assistance.
November Outreach Community Dinner is scheduled at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Saturday November 30th, 2019. Traditional Thanksgiving dinner with Halal Turkey will be served. Those volunteering please get there by 4:30 PM to help with the setup and participate in the volunteer briefing session at 5:00 PM. If you are interested in helping out Table setup and decorations, these will be done earlier 1:30 – 2:30 PM . Clean-up will start at 7:30 PM. Although recommended but not necessary, individuals or families attending can bring a side-dish, salad or fruit to share – enough for 8-10 people. Please do not bring any desserts. Desserts will be provided. Dress is casual, everyday wear. That way we can be ready to help out wherver help is needed, and also guests will feel at home with the volunteers. Please contact Br. Abbas Kazmi at (303) 718 4516 for more information and to sign up as a volunteer.
Please note that IMAN does not accept donation items (clothing, food, household items) for Social Services unless the committee specifically asked for them or coordinated the pick-up with the donors.
There are several other local organizations that will gladly accept such donations on regular basis, including: https://worldreliefseattle.org/donate-goods
Community Service Credits
Members of the congregation who need community service credits are required to make arrangements in advance for any service provided to IMAN for which credit will be requested. Service credit certification will only be provided for eligible activities for which prior arrangement have been made and only after the eligible service have been satisfactorily completed. No exceptions will be made.