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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raje'oon: Ayyazali Gulamhusein Jooma

IMAN Center of Kirkland

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

It is with great sadness we announce the demise of Br. Ayyazali Gulamhusein Jooma, first cousin of Br. Jawad Khaki and also maternal uncle of Br. Karrar Esmail who passed earlier today in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

We convey heartfelt condolences to all dear ones. We pray that Marhum's soul is among the chosen ones - Aameen.

Marhum was buried earlier today in Dar es salaam.

Please remember him with salaat wahshat tonight. It is a 2-rakaa' salaat similar to Fajr, as follows:

  • 1st Rakaa': Recite Al-Fatiha, then Ayat-ul-Kursi

  • 2nd Rakaa': Recite Al-Fatiha, then Suratul-Qadr 10 times

One can also offer Salaat-e-Hadiya-e-Mayyit, which is a 2 rakaa' salaat similar to Fajr. In the first rakaa' after Al-Fatiha, recite Suratul-Qadr and in the second rakaa' after Al-Fatiha, recite Suratul-Kawthar.

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