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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raje'oon: Syed Qasim Raza

IMAN Center of Kirkland

It is with immense sadness we inform you of the demise of Syed Qasim Raza, son of Syed Hasan Raza, father-in-law of Sister Sheharbano Jafry's uncle (Dr. Muhammad Ali Tahir) .

Marhoom's funeral was scheduled for earlier today March 28th, 2022 at Maryland National Memorial Park in Laurel, Maryland.

We convey heartfelt condolences to all dear ones and pray for Marhum's soul to rest in eternal peace in the company of Allah's choicest servants - Aameen.

Mo'mineen are requested to remember Marhoom Syed Qasim Raza with Sura-e-Fateha and Namaz-e-wahshat / Namaz Hadya-e-Mayyit.

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