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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raje'oon: Syed Zia-ul-Hasan Kazmi

IMAN Center of Kirkland

It is with profound sadness that we inform you that Syed Zia-ul-Hasan Kazmi, father of Sister Izzat Kazmi, left us for the eternal world on Tuesday December 22, 2020 and was buried in Lahore on December 23.

Syed Zia-ul-Hasan Kazmi was a beloved father, husband, grandfather, brother, father-in-law, friend and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. A man of few words believing strongly in dignity of action, was born in Amritsar, India and spent most his adult life living in his beloved city of Lahore, Pakistan with some time spent living in Dubai and Sri Lanka.

We convey heartfelt condolences to all dear ones. We pray that Marhum's soul is among the chosen ones - Aameen.

Mo'mineen are requested to remember Marhum Syed Zia-ul-Hasan Kazmi with Sura-e-Fateha and Namaz Hadya-e-Mayyit

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