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IMAN Center of Kirkland

IMANews: Staying connected while "socially distant"

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Dear IMAN Community

As salaamu alaikum

Inshallah you all are well and taking all the necessary protective measures to weather the Corona COVID-19 storm.

Many of us look forward to coming to the IMAN Center in Kirkland for our daily prayers, Wednesday reading circle, Thursday Qur’an tajweed classes and dua e Kumail, Friday prayers and Sunday Weekend school - not to mention celebrating the wiladats in this auspicious month of Rajab. It helps us stay connected as community as well as enjoy the spiritual vibrancy created by being together especially standing shoulder to shoulder for prayer.

It is over two weeks now that, out of an abundance of caution, we suspended our programs as a protective measure to slow the spread of COVID-19. Since then several businesses as well as governmental offices have also stopped operating as usual and most of us are active from home.

Although it may be tempting to mingle and socialize in small groups, we urge everyone to follow the guidelines provided by health authorities. Social distancing, or putting distance between yourself and others, helps reduce the spread of disease. Prohibiting events and large gatherings reduces the amount of close contact between people and reduces the chances of spreading disease. Many people who do get sick with COVID-19 will experience mild illness, but some people – particularly people over age 60 and those with underlying health conditions – may experience severe illness and require hospitalization. Taking these actions now will prevent overburdening the healthcare system so that people who need medical care can get it. Each one of us must play a critical role in keeping our workplaces, schools, home and other establishments safe.

Please refer to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site for resources provided by public health authorities. Additional links to orders issued by King County and resources provided are listed at the bottom.

Whilst we may have suspended activities at our physical location on State Street in Kirkland, we can continue being spiritual vibrant, keep learning as well maintain our caring and sharing spirit.

Sunday School teachers have already started contacting their students and parents on how, as a team, we can continue the weekend school at home using the Tarbiyah curriculum.

Starting this week, we will resume our Wednesday and Thursday programs online so that members of the community can join from the comfort of their home. Please refer to the event schedule (to be updated soon) for details to join.

In addition to participating in online programs, we encourage you to remain in touch with others. Please take a few moments from your daily schedule to reach out to your neighbors and call a few people who are not members of your family, that you may have otherwise met and socialized with at the center during our regular programs. Ask them if they need anything and offer moral support. Let them know that we will get through this together as we continue to pray for the health and safety of all and for our center to reopen again soon.

IMAN Social Services Committee is supporting the Kirkland Nourishing Network (KNN), community volunteers who fill a gap in our community response to hunger. KNN works closely with counselors in public school who are aware of the families with the greatest need. In order to meet the requirements of emergency orders for social distancing during the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus, KNN is accepting monetary donations to provide families with $50 Safeway grocery gift cards. We have pledged $10,000 towards this cause. We count on your continued support to be able to support our local community in this manner.

Inshallah everyone has taken appropriate measures to have adequate supplies for your family’s needs. Please see the list of essential supplies recommended by some Public Health authorities.

Here is advice from a nurse to consider but please call your primary care physician for definitive advice.

King County Orders issued:

Additional guidelines:

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