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IMANews: Ramadhân 1441 AH, Apr-May 2020

IMAN Center of Kirkland

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum / Peace be upon you!

Crescent Moon for the Month of Ramadhân 1441 AH

There were no verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 in any region of North America with which we in the Greater Seattle areas share the moon-sighting visibility band. Therefore, Friday, April 24th, 2020 will be the last day of the month of Shaban and that Saturday, April 25th, 2020, will be the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, 1441 A.H. for us in the Greater Seattle area. Ramadhân Mubarak! May Almighty God accept your fasting and good deeds.

We ask God, the Most Merciful, to bring a swift end to the current pandemic and grant a quick recovery to all those afflicted. And as always, we ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (A).

Important Islamic Events this Month:

Ramadhân May Occasion

10 4 Wafat of Bibi Khadija (A) (Year 3 B.H.)

15 9 Wiladat of Imam Hassan (A) (Year 3 A.H.)

17 11 The Battle of Badr, (Year 2 A.H.)

Eve 19 12 Shab e Zarbat (Year 40 A.H.) Laylat -ul-Qadr Night

Eve 21 14 Eve of Shahadat of Imam Ali (A) (Year 40 A.H.)

The Conquest of Mecca, (Year 8 A.H.)

21 15 Shahadat of Imam Ali (A) (Year 40 A.H.)

Eve 23 16 Laylat -ul-Qadr Night

All our programs during this month of Ramadhân will be conducted online.

Daily Qur'an sessions will conducted over Zoom. Please refer to home page for detailed timings and online links for our daily Qur'an Zoom session programs.

Our daily Ramadhân program will be broadcast live at:

Programs to commemorate wafats celebrate wiladats and a'amaal programs for the nights of qadr will be posted as special events in due course.

Ramadhân Appeal

IMAN Community's continued generosity is what sustains a growing spiritually vibrant caring sharing congregation here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Even though our on-premise activities at the the IMAN Center in Kirkland have been temporarily halted, we continue to provide services. Also, our operational expenses have not stopped.

The blessed month of Ramadhân is a special time of the year when we receive generous donations for operational needs of IMAN. We also collect funds to help those in need in our community. COVID-19 pandemic is especially hard on many in the community and there are some tough challenges in the weeks ahead.

Please donate generously by sending in your checks or by if you prefer a direct bank transfer, e-mail your pledged amount to indicating the cause you want to support. An electronic payment form will be e-mailed to you for direct bank deposit free of fees. Payment by credit card or by PayPal is also an option but we do incur fees that can be avoided if payment is made by check or using direct bank transfer outlined above.

Let us open up our hearts and pockets to derive make the most of blessings that Allah SWT has bestowed upon us in this blessed month of Ramadhân! Counting on your continued generous support!

Sunday School

IMAN Sunday School resumed online (via Zoom) on of March 29, 2020.

Zoom classes follow the regular weekly schedule where parents and students attend from the safety of their home instead of coming to the IMAN Center.

Participation has been excellent and feedback positive. We thank all teachers and parents for their commitment to enable our students continue their educations on line.

IMAN Sunday School last day of the School Year End is May 24, 2020.

College Access Mentorship During COVID-19

During the current academic year, Br. Sogol Sedhgi has been serving as a college access counselor within the Seattle Public School District. In his role, he has been able to gain knowledge and insight into the college enrollment and application process. He has been mentoring students in their final two years of high school and helping them apply to colleges, scholarships and financial aid.

Many students and families might be feeling confused and anxious about accessing higher education during this pandemic. There are many uncertainties, but perseverance and best effort is necessary to help prepare for whatever holds ahead.

Br. Sogol is offering his time and expertise to help to students with college enrollment process . Any student needing help can fill out this application form to express their interest in this free mentor-ship service. If you or someone you know wants to attend college next year, but has not taken the necessary steps to enroll, there is still time to both enroll and to seek financial aid. Br. Sogol looks forward to helping lessen the burden and pain of this pandemic for everyone in the community.

English 1 on 1

One of our up and coming youth, Sister Mariam Kazmi, wants to dedicate some of her new found free time to offer English 1 on 1 online classes over Zoom at no cost to anyone who wants to improve their English proficiency. She urges us to make the most of the time we have been given in this extra ordinary times . In the lessons, she will be covering the vocabulary STUDENTS want to learn along with the grammar corresponding to the vocabulary sets of THEIR choice! Those interested can send e-mail to Listed below are some English 1 on 1 social media and online web resources that she has developed for her course:

More online tutoring

Sister Orchideh Esfandiari who teaches college level Biology has offered to provide free online tutoring in college Biology (Physiology and Anatomy) as well as with grades 5-12 school work. Those interested can send e-mail to

Census 2020

All of us would by now have received an invitation to respond to the 2020 Census. Your help is needed to count everyone in the United States by providing information about all adults, children, and babies living or staying at the address where the invitation to respond was sent.

The Census Bureau has just announced a new operational timeline, suspending field operations until June 1 and extending data collection and self-response until October 31, 2020. The Bureau has asked Congress to extend the deadlines for delivery of apportionment counts as well. Find the full details here.

Results from the 2020 Census will be used to:

  • Direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.

  • Help our community prepare to meet transportation and emergency readiness needs.

  • Determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and your political representation at all levels of government.

The Census Bureau is using the internet to securely collect your information.

The census is so important that your response is required by law, and your answers are kept completely confidential.

If you need help completing your 2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free 1-844-330-2020.

Visit for further information.

COVID-19 Resources

An online panel discussion has been scheduled for 5:00 PM Monday April 27. 2020 featuring a City of Kirkland official , a local faith leader, a social worker and King County public health officials.  They will share perspectives on the current situation to get us updated and engage in a question and answer session as we seek clarification and guidance to continue:   Standing Strong, Staying Apart and Drawing Spiritual Strength. Please click here for further details.

IMAN web site now features a resource page at the link: COVID-19: Stand Together. Stay Apart. Draw Spiritual Strength. The web team could use help improving this resources page. Send e-mail to if you can help.

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